How and when to cancel a session

Can't come to an appointment? Then cancel your session at least 1 working day (24 hours) in advance. For appointments scheduled on Monday, this means you have to cancel them the Friday before.

Cancellation is preferably done via a message in the client portal or otherwise by email to

If you cancel your session on time, we still have the option to schedule another client. If you do not cancel on time or if you do not show up for your session without cancellation, this is called a no-show. A no-show is a waste of valuable care and costs the practice money.

Cost of no show

Sessions not canceled in time cannot be reimbursed by the health insurer, so will be charged directly to you, regardless of the reason. The costs are 50 euros.

In case of multiple missed sessions, without a valid reason or contact > 24 hours, the treatment at Stroomlijn will be ended.